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Some Dude666

A member registered May 07, 2020

Recent community posts

Damn, am I late to the party.

Guys. I couldn't save or export, but I have found a solution - you need to delete an * and whetewer is after it (like *.ceol) and just press save.

Description of fab lotion (cart in the beginning) is wrong - its first two lines of "cookies text". lowe the game keep up the good work

Also, its pretty hard to equip things - I needed to drag them to a left up corner of equip slot.

And consuming is weird to - I needed to doubleclick it with a right mouse button to it to work

I got a game breaking bug: whenever I fight and do any attack it deals damage and I just freeze in a middle of a punch animation and nothing happens. If I press "autobatle" damage deals to a random enemy (teleport to him but still stuck in same pose) and I can basically kill everyone, but then I can't progress - all buttons are red and nothing happens

Really liked the game. Just right level of challenge, funny dialogs and sexy cutscenes.